Neopeutics Technology
Our proprietary technology combines drug profiling strategies with powerful bioinformatics software to
produce a cost-effective, quantitative HTS package.
Do you have a novel bioactive(s) that you think has down-stream potential in the nutraceutical & therapeutic market? We might be able to help.
Our innovative cross-species drug target identification platform is both robust and highly informative, offering a one of a kind solution to early stage drug discovery.
The platform is capable of rapidly and efficiently screening for medicinal properties and novel compounds from natural sources. A particular strength of our platform is its suitability for failing compounds in early stage drug- discovery by quickly identifying compounds that have potentially detrimental effects on cellular pathways or that mimic known toxins.
Coupled to a massive database of FDA approved, discontinued and rejected drugs, we are able to offer you a comprehensive discovery solution package for a variety of indications and potential client targets.